What Happens if You Decline Mr. Fairweather’s Contract?

mr fairweather's contract in video game kynseed

At the beginning of the Kynseed game, the humanoid-like being Mr. Fairweather offers the player a lucrative contract, which, upon acceptance, will allow our in-game character to pass on strength and consciousness to the next generations. But what will happen if we try to decline this contract?

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The Content of Mr. Fairweather’s Contract

By taking ownership of the KYNSEED, you agree to the stipulations in this contract. The Kynseed will allow you to SEE and SPEAK with all things FAE and grow your FAMILY TREE. Your children will carry on your legacy and as your tree grows, so does your power. Once planted, the Contract begins. You may uproot the Kynseed and pass it to any of your children who are of age, and join them in spirit, thus continuing to monitor your bloodline.

In return for the Kynseed you agree that on the day of your 50th birthing day, you willingly give your body to Mr. Fairweather, and every heir who inherits the Kynseed must do the same. If you have no heirs to pass the Kynseed to, you will be offered an orphan to take your place. If you die before your time, Mr. Fairweather agrees to revive you at a cost of 1 year of your LIFE.

This contract is binding upon signing this paper. The initial cost of the Kynseed is 5 years of your life, payable upfront. Life tax is payable at the end of each human calendar year.

Signed Mr Fairweather.

Declining the Mr. Fairweather’s Contract – What Will Happen?

Although the game suggests that Mr. Fairweather’s contract can be declined, the creators of Kynseed didn’t actually provide an alternative path for this scenario. Choosing the Decline option simply switches with the Accept option, thereby causing the same outcome that we would have reached by accepting the contract in the first place. Summing up then, what happens if you decline Mr. Fairweather’s contract? Nothing else.

As explained by Lionbum, the game developer, via Steam in 2020, the option to decline the contract is intriguing on paper, but it would require a lot of work if the player could subsequently lead a peaceful life without it. Besides, don’t you think the contract is quite appealing?

Kynseed Wiki

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Damian Cholewa

The sole author of Game Compendium. Enjoys gaming and writing about it.

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